callbacks?: { [callback: string]: ReferenceObject | CallbackObject }Optional
deprecated?: booleanOptional
description?: stringOptional
parameters?: (ReferenceObject | ParameterObject)[]Optional
security?: SecurityRequirementObject[]Optional
servers?: ServerObject[]Optional
summary?: stringOptional
tags?: string[]Static
callbacks?: { [callback: string]: ReferenceObject | CallbackObject }Optional
deprecated?: booleanOptional
description?: stringOptional
parameters?: (ReferenceObject | ParameterObject)[]Optional
security?: SecurityRequirementObject[]Optional
servers?: ServerObject[]Optional
summary?: stringOptional
tags?: string[]Creates a deep copy of the current state of the operation and returns it.
A deep copy of the built operation object
callbacks?: { [callback: string]: ReferenceObject | CallbackObject }Optional
deprecated?: booleanOptional
description?: stringOptional
parameters?: (ReferenceObject | ParameterObject)[]Optional
security?: SecurityRequirementObject[]Optional
servers?: ServerObject[]Optional
summary?: stringOptional
tags?: string[]Add a callbacks field to the Operation object.
OperationBuilder instances for method chaining
The callbacks object per OpenApiv3 spec
Add a deprecated field to the Operation object.
OperationBuilder instances for method chaining
The deprecated boolean per OpenApiv3 spec
Add a description field to the Operation object
OperationBuilder instances for method chaining
The description string per OpenApiv3 spec
Add a externalDocObject field to the Operation object
OperationBuilder instances for method chaining
The externalDocObject object per OpenApiv3 spec
Add a operationId field to the Operation object.
Must be unique per document
OperationBuilder instances for method chaining
The operationId string per OpenApiv3 spec
Add a parameters field to the Operation object, will include defaults.
OperationBuilder instances for method chaining
The parameters object per OpenApiv3 spec
Add a requestBody field to the Operation object.
OperationBuilder instances for method chaining
The requestBody object per OpenApiv3 spec
Add a security field to the Operation object.
OperationBuilder instances for method chaining
The security object per OpenApiv3 spec
Add a servers field to the Operation object.
OperationBuilder instances for method chaining
The servers object per OpenApiv3 spec
Add a summary field to the Operation object
OperationBuilder instances for method chaining
The summary string per OpenApiv3 spec
Add a tags field to the Operation object
OperationBuilder instances for method chaining
The tags object per OpenApiv3 spec
defaultsSets defaults for the operation object when using the build interface
The defaults to set - these are global to the OperationBuilder class
newStart building a new Operation object
OperationBuilder instances for method chaining
The responses object - required by OpenApiv3
Generated using TypeDoc
Shorthand for build() method
A deep copy of the built operation object